Title Speaker(s) Recording Slides
Opening Keynote: Community update + The State of Apache Beam
Brittany Hermann, Austin Bennett, Pablo Estrada & Matthias Baetens
You belong together - detecting linked accounts at Ricardo
Tobias Kaymak
Scaling machine learning to millions of users with Apache Beam
Tatiana Al-Chueyr Martins
TPC-DS and Apache Beam - the time has come!
Alexey Romanenko & Ismael Mejía
From factory to cloud: The Path to Beam
Dan H
Profiling Apache Beam Python pipelines
Israel Herraiz
Workshop: Build a Unified Batch and Streaming Pipeline with Apache Beam on AWS
Gandhi Swaminathan & Steffen Hausmann
Deduplication: Where Beam Fits In
Jeff Klukas
Fault Tolerant Integration of Apache Beam With Relational Database
Savitha Jayasankar & Piaw Na
Relational Beam: Automatically optimize your pipeline
Andrew Pilloud
Simple Distributed Raytracer with the Beam Go SDK
Robert Burke
Ingesting and Processing Level 3 Order Book Streams
Daniel Tyreus
GCP Dataflow Architecture
Svetak Sundhar
How to handle duplicate data in streaming pipelines using Dataflow and Pub/Sub
Workshop: Step by step development of a streaming pipeline using Scio (Scala)
Israel Herraiz
Multi-language Pipelines for improving usability and reducing overheads
Chamikara Jayalath
Workshop: Create your first Dataflow Flex template and set up a CI/CD pipeline for it on Cloud Build
Miren Esnaola
Image classification with Beam and AutoML
David Cavazos
Using Beam for Real-time Manufacturing Data Analysis
Jeswanth Yadagani
Lessons learned from using Dataflow for local ML batch inference
Ramtin Rassoli
Autoscaling your transforms with auto-sharded GroupIntoBatches
Pablo Estrada
ML Inference at scale, easy as learning your 5 times table, with tfx-dsl and Apache Beam!
Reza Rokni & Robert Crowe
Improve the usability of Apache Beam
Mariann Nagy
Real-time change data in Apache Beam with DebeziumIO
Pablo Estrada
Scalable Predictions of Deep Learning models with Apache Beam
Jo Pu & Hannes Hapke
Workshop: Privacy on Beam - E2E Differential Privacy Solution for Apache Beam
Mirac Vuslat Basaran
Large scale streaming infrastructure using Apache Beam and DataFlow
Talat Uyarer
How to build streaming data pipelines with Google Cloud Dataflow and Confluent Cloud
Elena Cuevas
Leveraging Beam's Batch-Mode for Robust Recoveries and Late-Data Processing of Streaming Pipelines
Devon Peticolas
Workshop: Visually build Beam pipelines using Apache Hop
Matt Casters