Sharing good practices for an end-to-end Beam pipeline

Aug-27 16:20-17:00
Add to Calendar 08/27/2020 4:20 PM 08/27/2020 5:00 PM America/Los_Angeles AS24: Sharing good practices for an end-to-end Beam pipeline

Learning a whole new SDK and style to write massively parallel data pipelines is certainly a daunting task for any engineer, data scientist, or developer.

We have tried to build an end-to-end example of an Apache Beam pipeline that utilizes various valuable Beam features, and tries to establish good practices for writing your Beam pipeline.

If you’re interested in learning about good practices for your Beam pipeline, this talk is for you. We will share some of what we learned when working on this. We would also love contributions to our example repository.

Learning a whole new SDK and style to write massively parallel data pipelines is certainly a daunting task for any engineer, data scientist, or developer.

We have tried to build an end-to-end example of an Apache Beam pipeline that utilizes various valuable Beam features, and tries to establish good practices for writing your Beam pipeline.

If you’re interested in learning about good practices for your Beam pipeline, this talk is for you. We will share some of what we learned when working on this. We would also love contributions to our example repository.